We are proud to provide Sirona Dentsply CEREC 3-D Primescan Technology to our patients in need of ceramic restorations. The CEREC system has revolutionized the dental field by meeting the needs of our patients in a more convenient manner. Gone are the days where the patient must return for multiple visits to complete a restoration, with the Primescan scanner, the latest in this technology, we can design, fabricate and place a ceramic restoration in just one visit! Including multiple unit bridges. So the need for temporaries or impressions has been eliminated in most cases. This dynamic-depth scanner allows the doctor to capture full jaw scans in less than a minute with unprecedented image quality. For every 3D image, the Primescan scanner consolidates more than 50,000 images per second, offering an unprecedented level of scanning precision.
How does CEREC work?
- First, the decay and/or old filling is removed.
- Then, the teeth are prepared with a thin coat of reflective powder, and a specialized digital 3-D camera creates a precise digital image of the teeth. This state-of-the-art system replaces the need for messy, cumbersome traditional impressions.
- The computer-aided design (CAD) software then enables us to design, mill a restoration specific to your dental needs on site. These highly durable restorations can also be color-matched for a more natural looking smile.
- We will then attach the restoration to the tooth, and check it for position, placement and bite function. When you leave, you already have your permanent restoration - there is no need for temporaries or follow-up appointments!
What are the advantages of this system?
CEREC Primescan holds several advantages over conventional restoration systems, including:
- Single unit crowns are started and completed on the same appointment - no wait times, no temporary crowns, no return visits, no hassle!
- Less need for local anesthetic and fewer injections.
- All CEREC restorations are made from natural-looking, tooth-colored porcelain material that is metal-free, very bio-compatible and plaque-resistant.
- CEREC Primescan also allows the immediate direct delivery of a patients case to the laboratory for large complex cases which can cut down on the time between appointments for preparation and insertion.
CEREC Case #1

CEREC Case #2